
The “MAbBoost” doctoral program

The objective of this program is twofold:

– help in the future integration of people who have just obtained their PhD in the biopharmaceutical industry.

– make industrial R&D careers more attractive by showing doctoral students that researchers in industry can be as fulfilled as their university colleagues, and that they must develop cutting-edge research, subject to a very high level of scientific competition.

The MAbBoost training program, organized by MAbImprove Education TaskForce leaders in conjunction with MabDesign, is intended for students from the doctoral schools of Tours and Montpellier (CBS2). It corresponds to 30 doctoral credits (approximately 60 hours), divided into three independent annual units (non-sequential), highly specialized in research, development and innovation dedicated to therapeutic antibodies. Trainers come from the biopharmaceutical industry and present real case studies to explain the different stages of antibody R&D. Students are faced with a research problem and have to work in groups to present and discuss their proposals, while the other groups and the trainer challenge them.

More details here (PDF) 

Upcoming sessions

December 2-3rd, 2021 – Riad Abès from Alderaan Biotechnology – Preclinical development of therapeutic antibodies (register through ADUM)

Past sessions

May 2021 – LinBox

December 2020 – Promega