The 8th Antibody Industrial Symposia: “Multispecific Abs, Ab-like molecules and adoptive cell therapy for fighting diseases” will take place on November, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th, 2020, as a fully digital event.

This international congress is jointly organized by the scientific society LabEx MAbImprove and the industrial organization MabDesign. It is part of the series of Industrial Symposia organized by MAbImprove since 2013, whose previous topics were: Antibodies Biosimilars, MAbDosing, MAbDelivery, Current & Next Generation Antibody Formats, Antibody Drug Conjugates, Targets for Mabs, and Harnessing the Immune System with Abs.
The Scientific committee has set-up an exciting program around this year theme: “Multispecific Abs, Ab-like molecules and adoptive cell therapy for fighting diseases”, with keynote lectures, pitch talks around new creative projects, and industrial talks from big pharmaceutical companies. Find out the detailed programme here.
The next frontier of Ab-based therapeutics for fighting diseases is the production and application of higher-order multispecific Abs or Ab-like molecules, as well as novel cytokine-based biologics or engineered artificial chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). Indeed multispecific Abs and next-generation immunocytokines provide promising platform for the development of novel therapeutic concepts that could facilitate the generation of safer, more effective pharmaceuticals. Re-directing immune cells with engineered CARs is an exciting approach for efficient adoptive cell therapy. AIS2020 will cover the multifaceted mechanisms induced by novel multimer derivatives, cytokine-based products and CARs in different pathophysiological situations. It will also focus on CMC developability (Chemistry Manufacturing Control) and the early clinical development.
The event digitalisation will maintain the opportunities for interactions, allowing young researchers to present their work as posters, and companies to demonstrate their technologies.
Looking forward to digitally meeting you on November 23-24rd!
The scientific committee
The organisation committee